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Quarterly Award Criteria

Students in class

Principal's List

The Principal’s List recognizes students in grades K-6 who have made high levels of academic achievement for the quarter.  

Eligibility Requirements: 
Students must have all ES’s the core academic areas. 

Core Areas for Specific Grade Levels:

  1. Kindergarten core academic areas are reading, language and math.
  2. 1st-3rd grade's core academic areas are reading, writing, language and math.
  3. 4th-6th grade's core academic areas are reading, writing, language, math, science and social studies.

Students must also receive ALL 4's for "Behaviors that Promote Learning" and all 4's for effort in the designated content areas per grade level.

Students are awarded the Principal's List Button and a certificate.
Students are eligible for this award every quarter.   

Recognition for Academic Excellence

Recognition for Academic Excellence  also honors students in grades K-6 who have made high levels of academic achievement for the quarter.  

Eligibility Requirements:
Students may have "ONE" MS in a core subject, but have ES's in ALL OTHER core subjects.

Core Areas for Specific Grade Levels:

  1. Kindergarten core academic areas are reading, language and math.
  2. 1st-3rd grade's core academic areas are reading, writing, language and math.
  3. 4th-6th grade's core academic areas are reading, writing, language, math, science and social studies.

Students must receive all 4's, with the exception of one 3, in the top portion of the Report Card portion of the "Behaviors that Promote Learning".

Students are awarded a button and certificate for their achievement.

Perfect Attendance

Perfect Attendance Awards are given to honor all students who came to school each day on time and stayed until the designated dismissal time.

Eligibility Requirements:
It means just that. Perfect attendance, HERE EVERYDAY AND READY TO LEARN!

Students are are awarded a button and certificate for their achievement. 

Recognition for Excellent Behaviors that Promote Learning

This award recognizes those students who give it all they have in order to promote student learning and exhibits top effort in the areas of PE and Music. 

Eligibility Requirements:
Students that receive "4's", in six out of the seven Behaviors that Promote Learning which will include the effort in music and PE will be recognized for their Excellent Behaviors that Promote Learning each quarter.  

Students are awarded a button and certificate for their achievement.